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Christ the King Feast and Solemn Eucharistic Procession in the Diocese of Shimoga 

November 26 : The Inter-Diocesan Celebration of the Christ the King Feast and the Eucharistic Procession was held with great devotion and spiritual grandeur on Sunday 2024 November 24, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Shimoga. The event drew a large number of the faithful, Priests and religious from the Diocese of Shimoga, the Syro-Malabar Diocese of Bhadravathi and the Syro-Malankara Diocese of Puttur.

The celebratory event commenced at 4:30 PM with the Rosary, led by Rev. Fr Santosh Dcunha. This was followed by the Holy Eucharist at 5:00 PM, the launch of the Shimoga Diocese YouTube channel and the Eucharistic Procession.

The main celebrant was Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga. He was joined by Most Rev. Dr Joseph Arumachadath, Bishop of the Diocese of Bhadravathi and Most Rev. Dr Geevarghese Makarios Kalyil, Bishop of Puttur, who delivered an inspiring homily. A significant number of Priests from all three rites concelebrated the Holy Mass.

Unveiling of the Diocesan YouTube Channel: Rev. Fr Simon Pinto succinctly outlined the impetus behind the creation of the diocesan YouTube channel, preceding the release of original compositions by various Priests of the Diocese under the collective title “Rakshane.” Rev. Fr Vinuth Kumar, the communications director for the diocese, conceptualized and designed the YouTube channel. On November 24, 2024, Most Reverend Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Shimoga, in the esteemed presence of Dr Joseph Arumachadath, Bishop of Bhadravathi, Dr Mar Geevegis Makarios Kalyil, Bishop of Puttur, and Monsignor Stany D’Souza, officially inaugurated the YouTube channel.

After the Mass, the Eucharistic Procession began its journey from the cathedral premises, winding through the streets of Shimoga City. Bishop Dr Joseph Arumachadath of Bhadravathi carried the Monstrance in a beautifully decorated vehicle. Rev. Fr Roman Pinto, Rev. Fr Santhosh Pereira and Dn. Nishanth Dcosta led prayer sessions during the procession to maintain a devout and prayerful atmosphere.

The procession culminated with a short time of adoration, led by Rev. Fr Roman Pinto, followed by a solemn Eucharistic Blessing bestowed upon the faithful by Bishop Arumachadath in the Cathedral. Numerous altar boys and girls from various Parishes actively participated in both the Eucharist and the procession.

Msgr Very Rev. Fr Stany Dsouza, the Parish Priest and Dean of the Carmel Deanery, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to making the celebration spiritually enriching, meaningful and successful.

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